
PET CT: The revolutionary FlowMotion technology, Biograph mCT Flow equipped with 64-slice CT is the India’s first state-of-art PET CT system with continuous motion of the patient table while scanning. Biograph mCT flow permits CT radiation dose reduction and injected dose of radiopharmaceuticals (FDG) by 50% while delivering excellent image quality. Comfort of the patient is also ensured due to wide bore gantry and 30-40% reduced acquisition time of PET (5 minutes) and wholebody CT (10 seconds).

SPECT CT: Our 6 slice SPECT-CT for diagnostic quality imaging integrates two technologies to view the body: Computed Tomography (CT) and Radio-Active Material (tracer). The TruePoint SPECT-CT technology also reduces exam time by utilising a range of CARE (Combined Applications to Reduce Exposure) radiation solutions to keep radiation exposure of patients to a minimum. T-2100 treadmill is available for patients requiring exercise stree thalium studies. Thyroid uptake probe for accurate quantification of thyroid function also available.

HIGH DOSE THERAPY WARD: We have 2-bed high dose therapy ward for treatment of thyroid cancer using radioiodine.

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