Jaypee Hospital - Education And Research

The Jaypee Hospital was conceptualized by our revered Founder Chairman, Shri Jai Prakash Gaur with the vision of promoting world-class healthcare amongst the masses by providing quality and affordable medical care with commitment. An educationist himself, Shri Jaiprakash Gaur Ji firmly believes that education is the medium that can allow the country to ignite the minds and empower them to be at par.

With Shri Jayprakash Gaur Ji’s continuous support, we are determined to provide quality education through the most modern educational institutions. This institution would strive to build serious pursuit of knowledge utilizing the most advanced research practices and high ethical standards.

Education In Jaypee Hospital

Education and health have a long-standing and well-known association. With everyday advances in health information and technology, physicians, nurses, and other health professionals must maintain and improve their knowledge and skills throughout their careers. It is the only way to provide safe, effective, and high-quality healthcare for the patients. The pros of investing into continuous education are: highly skilled staff, high staff retention, magnificent reputation, optimized financial performance, better patient outcomes, less medical malpractice lawsuits.

Essential components of good health are basic educational skills and knowledge. These include reasoning ability, emotional self regulation, reasoning ability and interactional abilities. Education is an important social determinant of your health, as well as an upstream cause. Physicians, nurses, and all other health professionals need to keep up-to-date with the latest health information and technology. This is the only way to ensure that patients receive safe, efficient, and high-quality care.

The role of Medical Assistants in the health care system is to act as a link between patients and hospitals. Therefore, the future of the health care system will depend on their medical training. The training provides lot of knowledge and helps to guide the practice in its growth. There is also a need for administration to be created in the medical industry, and to train the people that will cater to changing needs. A valuable resource for the constantly-evolving healthcare industry is a well-trained and certified medical assistant.

Education is a major contributor towards quality in healthcare which eventually leads to patient satisfaction. The most important indicator of quality in healthcare is patient satisfaction. It has an impact on patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes and better retention of patients. It impacts the delivery of high-quality health care. The quality of care is not the only thing that matters, but how satisfied a patient feels about the treatment received. It's a measure for care quality. Healthcare providers can use it to gain valuable insight into many aspects of healthcare including their understanding and effectiveness. Education and regular hand on training play a vital role in enhancing patient safety as only a well informed health worker will ensure that the medical risks are minimised.

The healthcare industry is a very competitive environment, and clinical institutions have to bring an ever higher quality of care on the table. A skilled and motivated staff who are always up-to-date with the latest developments in techniques and technologies is a huge competitive advantage.

Research In Jaypee Hospital

Health research has high value to society. It can provide important information about diseases and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions, functional abilities, patterns of care, and health care costs. It is extremely crucial for comparing and improving the use of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, and diagnostics. Clinical research is what allows doctors to decide the best possible treatment for the patients. It makes the development of new medicines, new procedures and new tools possible. Without clinical research, it will be difficult to decide if new treatments are better than the current treatments. It is how doctors find the most effective methods of care for the patients.

Research helps to find the answer to things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and changing the way that healthcare professionals work. Research and other scholarly activities create scientific knowledge and help physicians share best practices.

The JIMER (Jaypee Institute Of Medical Education And Research) is an interdisciplinary research centre that provides deep insights on evidence based healthcare delivery and to all the patients. It also enables the creation of better health systems through the integrated elements of Research, Education and innovation. Research and clinical trials are an everyday part of the JIMER. People being cared for in the Jaypee Hospital benefit from past research, and continue to benefit from research that is currently being carried out. Ultimately, high-quality clinical research helps the Jaypee Hospital to improve future healthcare.

With the goal of preparing leaders of the future, JIMER offers various types of programmes and courses for professionals. They are NBE accredited DNB courses which includes MBBS, Post MD and Diploma. JIMER offers certified courses and fellowship (CTCCM, IDCCM and IFCCM) under ISCCM. All the projects and thesis work are approved by Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and Institutional Review Board (IRB).

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