2nd October, 2024
Debunking Common Myths About Cancer

Cancer is a term that strikes fear and confusion into the hearts of many. While it's a serious disease, misinformation can exacerbate the anxiety surrounding it. Today I will clear some of the common myths that revolve around cancer.

Myth 1: Cancer is a Death Sentence

Fact: While cancer is a serious illness, it is not always fatal. Advances in medical research, early detection, and improved treatments have significantly increased survival rates for many types of cancer. For instance, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer patients has improved to nearly 90%, and many other cancers also have high survival rates when detected early and treated promptly.

Myth 2: Only Smokers Get Lung Cancer

Fact: While smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, non-smokers can also develop the disease. Factors such as air pollution and secondhand smoking can contribute to lung cancer risk. Genetic predisposition also plays a role. Therefore, lung cancer screening and awareness are crucial for everyone, not just smokers.

Myth 3: Superfoods Can Prevent Cancer

Fact: No single food or diet can prevent cancer. While certain foods, like fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, can support overall health and reduce cancer risk, they cannot guarantee prevention. A balanced diet, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding known carcinogens (such as tobacco and excessive alcohol) is the best strategies for reducing cancer risk.

Myth 4: A Positive Attitude Cures Cancer

Fact: While a positive attitude can improve quality of life and aid in coping with the emotional and psychological stress of cancer, it does not cure the disease. Cancer treatment requires medical interventions such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies. Emotional support is crucial, but it should complement, not replace, medical treatment.

Myth 5: Cancer Always Comes Back

Fact: Not all cancers recur. The likelihood of recurrence depends on the type of cancer, its stage at diagnosis, and the effectiveness of the treatment. Many people achieve complete remission and live cancer-free for the rest of their lives. Regular follow-up care is essential to monitor for any signs of recurrence, but living in constant fear is not warranted.

Myth 6: Biopsies Can Spread Cancer

Fact: This is a persistent myth, but it is unfounded. Biopsies, which involve removing a small sample of tissue for examination, are essential for accurate cancer diagnosis. The procedure is safe and does not cause cancer to spread. In fact, delaying a biopsy out of fear can prevent timely diagnosis and treatment.

Myth 7: Alternative Therapies Can Cure Cancer

Fact: There is no scientific evidence that alternative therapies alone can cure cancer. While some alternative treatments may help manage symptoms and improve quality of life, they should not replace conventional cancer treatments. Always discuss any complementary therapies with your oncologist to ensure they are safe and do not interfere with your treatment plan.


Understanding the facts about cancer is crucial for effective prevention, early detection, and treatment. Misinformation can lead to unnecessary fear and potentially harmful decisions. Together, we can combat cancer with knowledge, support, and the latest advancements in medical science.

Dr. Atul Sharma
Senior Consultant
Department of Medical Oncology
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