Treatment For A Fatty Liver

The second-largest organ in human body is the ‘liver’. It aids in the digestion of nutrients from food and purges your blood of dangerous chemicals. The term "fatty liver disease" refers to a range of disorders in which extra fat deposits build up in the liver cells. When it is not related to alcohol intake, it is known as "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease" or "NAFLD". Hepatic steatosis is another term for a fatty liver.

A liver with too much fat in it, may develop inflammation, which is harmful, can lead to scarring and in a few patients can progress to cause liver failure.

Why fatty liver disease has become more common?

Fatty liver disease is becoming more prevalent due to an individual's sedentary lifestyle, which includes physical inactivity and unhealthy food choices including consumption of high-calorie foods. This is also known as lifestyle disease.

What signs and symptoms indicate fatty liver?

Having a fatty liver typically has no symptoms. However, you can feel weary or have pain or discomfort in your right upper abdomen. Fatty liver disease over long duration can cause liver scarring (fibrosis) in a few persons. Fibrosis of the livercan subsequently lead to liver cirrhosis.

Early signs of cirrhosis can include anorexia, weight loss, weakness, and weariness. It might result in jaundice, bloody vomiting, confusion, and disorientation in the later stages.

In today’s world, if we do Ultrasound and Liver function testof ‘normal’ population, a significant proportion of patients would be detected to have fatty liver disease.

What is the treatment for fatty liver disease?

Treatment options include lifestyle modifications, drugs, and obesity surgery, depending on the stage of fatty liver. Most of the time, lifestyle modifications including limiting or avoiding alcohol, losing body weight, and dietary changes can help reverse fatty liver disease.

You require medications, if condition worsen. Disease which has progressed to fibrosis and cirrhosis, may need other medications and a patient who has progressed to liver failure, would need liver transplant.

Two pillars of fatty liver treatment


  • Use homemade soup, buttermilk, lemon water, fresh coconut water, and juice from fresh fruits in your diet. Change the vegetable oil every month.
  • Fruits and vegetables: A smart way to start is by consuming fewer calories and natural foods that are high in fibre. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of complex fibre, which can help sustain energy levels and encourage satiety. Therefore, incorporate at least two to three servings of vegetables and one or two portions of fruits per day.
  • Plants high in fibre, such as whole grains and legumes: Legumes and grains are excellent sources of fibre, minerals, and plant protein, which is excellent for the liver. One should have concentrated on plant-based proteins rather than ingesting refined flours and animal protein. To keep your liver healthy, include whole grains, lentils, and soy in your balanced diet.
  • Pay attention to mealtimes and portion sizes: Regularly eating your meals and snacks helps keep your digestive system in good condition. Eating on a schedule will promote correct digestion of your meal, which will result in you having a good, comfortable sensation in your stomach. Eating irregularly might cause your stomach to overwork and create bloating and indigestion.
  • Avoid the following foods if you have a fatty liver: As is common knowledge, consuming too much salt, refined sugar and saturated fat can cause obesity, enlarged livers, and even liver disease. Refined sugar, drinks with plenty of sugar, baked goods, commercial food items, and packaged foods should all be avoided because they are rich in saturated fat, sugar, and salt.
  • Avoid fried foods prepared with palm and coconut oil, full-cream milk sugar candies, ordinary soda, and chicken products (red meat).
  • Abstinence from alcohol: Heavy drinking harms the liver. The liver cannot adequately break down fat when it is impaired.
  • 150 mins of weekly moderate intensity aerobics exercise.
  • Strength endeavour training 2-3 per week, avoiding consecutive days.
  • For people who cannot attend structured exercise programmes, just reduce and break sedentary time by few minutes of walking.
  • Exercise program should be tailored to a patient’s preference and capacity depending on physical fitness level, stage of liver disease and other comorbidity.