Different Types of Viral Hepatitis

A set of illnesses called hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis is caused by a viruse known as viral hepatitis. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 100 million undiagnosed cases of hepatitis worldwide. This is due to the fact that two kinds of hepatitis—Hepatitis B and C—damage the liver gradually over time without causing any symptoms and can lead to end stage liver disease and limits life span. Hepatitis has earned the moniker "the silent killer" because of this.

Viral hepatitis is of 5 main types - Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E

Hepatitis A and E are two types of infectious liver infections that spread via contaminated food or water. The virus typically spreads through contaminated water or food sources caused by an infected person's faeces. Jaundice, stomach pain, loss of appetite, loose stools, exhaustion, fever, and other symptoms are just a few of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis A or E infection. In areas where hepatitis E is common, poor hygiene habits and a lack of access to clean water are pervasive issues. This is typically curable in almost all the cases with medical management. Although it can be detrimental to those with weakened immune systems, the elderly, those with co-morbid conditions, and pregnant women, most people recover within a few months.

Hepatitis B and C are most common hepatitis forms in India. They frequently take time to manifest symptoms. A person with hepatitis B or C may go up to weeks without showing any symptoms, yet they are still infectious. Dark urine, muscular pain, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and cheeks), weakness, and other symptoms are signs of this infection. Interaction, the use of a contaminated needle, or the administration of IV medicines are all possible ways for the Hepatitis B or C virus to contract. Hepatitis B and C infections are more likely to affect those who have pre-existing diseases such renal disease, liver diseases needing repeat admission and injectable treatment have compromised immune systems. A pregnant lady with Hepatitis B may also pass on the disease to her child.

People who have had Hepatitis B and C are more likely to develop chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B is frequently discovered in people with liver cancer after going unnoticed in the early stages.

Hepatitis D: HDV depends on HBV for transmission because it cannot encode its own envelope protein. Three genotypes of HDV have been identified based on the genetic sequence. The best way to prevent contracting hepatitis is to get vaccinated against hepatitis B, and to avoid coming into contact with blood and body fluids.