Myths And Facts About Kidney Transplantation

The best treatment for any severe kidney issues is kidney transplantation. However, there is a severe imbalance between the demand for healthy kidneys and their supply. This can be attributed in part to a number of misconceptions and a general lack of knowledge about this potentially life-saving procedure. Debunking some of the most widespread myths and replace them with actual facts:

  • Myth: Because of chronic health issues, a kidney donor will need to take medication for the rest of their lives.
  • Fact: To aid in the recuperation after surgery, a donor will only need to take medications for a specific amount of time. All donors go through a detailed medical evaluation and follow-ups.
  • Myth: A man loses his ability to provide for a family after donating a kidney.
  • Fact: A person's productivity is unaffected by donating a kidney.
  • Myth: After surgery, a donor will be bedridden.
  • Fact: A donor will be capable of walking on their own before leaving the hospital.
  • Myth: Dietary restrictions will be placed on a donor.
  • Fact: There are no unique restrictions, and the donor is also entitled to a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Myth: A kidney donor is unable to engage in outdoor pursuits.
  • Fact: About 4-6 weeks after surgery, the donor can resume his regular sporting and fitness routines.
  • Myth: Older individuals cannot donate kidneys.
  • Fact: As long as they are in good health and meet the medical conditions, any adult over the age of 18 who wishes to donate may do so without age limits.
  • Myth: Kidney disorders are more prevalent in kidney donors.
  • Fact: Only a portion of this is accurate. They are less likely than the general population to get these diseases, despite being more sensitive to them than healthy non-donors.
  • Myth: Individuals with tattoos are ineligible to give kidneys.
  • Fact: Even those with tattoos can give. However, in order to stop the transmission of infection, potential donors should refrain from acquiring tattoos.
  • Doctor
    Dr. Anil Prasad Bhatt
    Department of Nephrology & Kidney Transplant
    Book an Appointment