Everyday Activities That Are Increasing The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Women are most commonly affected by breast cancer, particularly those over 40. Breast cancer risk factors include things like ethnicity, age, family history, and others. One has no influence over these variables. However, some things we can control, such as our lifestyles and habits, can also make us more likely to get breast cancer.

Late menopause/early menstruation: Because your breast tissue has been exposed to oestrogen for a longer period of time if you began menstruation before turning 12 years old, you have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. For similar reasons, late menopause (after age 55) increases the risk.

  • Not breastfeeding: If you breastfed your child, there is a chance that it will lower your risk of breast cancer, especially if you did it for a year or more. One of the many advantages of breastfeeding is the reduction of breast cancer.
  • Alcohol consumption: Consuming alcohol raises the risk of breast cancer with such hormone receptor positivity. Estrogen and other hormone levels can rise when drinking alcohol. Due to the harm it does to cell DNA, alcohol can also result in breast cancer.
  • Smoking: The most prevalent malignancy, lung cancer, is closely correlated with smoking. Breast cancer risk is also increased in women who smoke. If a younger premenopausal woman smokes, her chance of breast cancer may rise.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Sedentary behaviour is linked to obesity, being overweight, and having more fat cells. Active oestrogen production occurs in fat cells, and excess estrogens that damage the breasts can result in hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: Being vitamin D deficient can make you more susceptible to breast cancer. Cancer cell development is slowed down by vitamin D, while cancer cell growth can accelerate in the absence of the nutrient. Vitamin D pills, increasing sun exposure, and consuming vitamin D-rich foods can all help lower the risk.
  • Unhealthy diet: Your diet has a significant impact on your risk of developing almost all cancers.
  • Being overweight or obese: A woman's oestrogen after menopause is primarily derived from her fat tissue. After menopause, having more fat tissue can increase oestrogen levels and increase your risk of developing breast cancer. Additionally, obese women frequently have higher blood insulin levels. Some malignancies, particularly breast cancer, have been related to higher insulin levels.

Be vigilant about breast cancer detection. Consult the doctor if you detect any changes in your breasts, such as a new lump or skin changes. Additionally, according to your medical history, ask the doctor when to start mammograms and other screenings.

Breast cancer is highly curable when detected early. So contact your nearby oncologist for any breast cancer problem to rule out cancer.


Dr. Sudarsan De
Department of Radiation Oncology
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