Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Risk Of Lung Cancer

The abnormal proliferation of cells in the lungs is referred to as lung cancer. It is one of the main causes of death and the second most prevalent malignancy in both men and women. Lung cancer is frequently diagnosed when it has already advanced, since many a times the patient is not that symptomatic during early stages.

Lung cancer symptoms and signs include:

  • Persistent or violent coughing
  • Blood in sputum
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Recurrent pneumonia on same site
  • Breathing and swallowing challenges
  • Chest pain and shoulder discomfort

Changes in lifestyle can reduce the odds of developing lung cancer. To lower your risk of lung cancer, take the following actions:

Don't start smoking: If you've never smoked, don't. Children must be made aware of the negative impacts of smoking. Teenagers typically start smoking to fit in with their classmates, but we should be encouraging them to form good habits instead.

Quit Smoking: Give up smoking. Lung cancer risk is decreased by quitting smoking. Consult your doctor about smoking cessation methods. To stop smoking, you can use certain safe drugs and nicotine replacement therapies.

Avoid passive smoking because it is just as harmful as smoking. If anyone in your family or circle of friends smokes, ask them to stop or smoke outside. Avoid going into places where people are smoking, such bars and restaurants.

Stay away from carcinogens: Workplace health and safety regulations can aid employees in avoiding carcinogens. Use protective clothing, such as a facemask, to prevent exposure to harmful substances at work. To protect yourself against the risks associated with your job, ask your doctor for some preventative measures.

Eat all varieties of fruits and vegetables: Make fruits and vegetables a regular part of your diet. You ought to consume vitamins and nutrients-rich foods. Additionally, you ought to consume a variety of foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy products like tofu and soy milk, as well as cruciferous vegetables and fruits (cabbage, cauliflower).

Exercise routine: Get into the habit of exercising regularly if you don't already. Your whole health can be improved with exercise.

There is no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can take preventive steps to reduce your risk of getting lung cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment would increase survival.

Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal
Department of Internal Medicine, Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine
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