16th September, 2024
How To Cope Up With Kidney Failure

Almost Ten percent of global population is suffering from chronic kidney disease, a progressive condition in which kidney function deteriorates. There are five stages of CKD. In Stage 1 there is little damage and by Stage 5 the kidneys have lost most of their function and there’s a need for renal replacement therapy, such as dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Address Emotional Concerns:

  • Fear and Anxiety: Normal before starting treatment can be managed with healthy discussion and better awareness.
  • Acceptance: Acknowledge the diagnosis and focus on managing symptoms
  • Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Diet: Work with a dietician to create a kidney-friendly meal plan which includes low salt diet (<5gm salt in a day) with adequate calorie intake and protein intake adjusted to the stage of kidney disease. Restricting salt in diet is of utmost importance. Avoid eating salted packaged food. Prefer a home cooked meal.
  • Weight Management: :Aim for a healthy weight with BMI of 20-25 kg/m2
  • Smoking cessation
  • Self-Care: Practice stress-reducing activities like meditation, practice yoga, physical activities or hobbies
  • Blood Pressure and Diabetes control

  • Most important factors for reducing the progression of kidney disease.
  • Maintain a blood pressure of less than 140/90 mm hg and a HbA1c of less than 7 percent
  • Do Home blood pressure and sugar monitoring with an accurate device as advised by the doctor
  • Immunization

    There is decreased immunity in kidney disease so getting vaccinated for Pneumonia, influenza, Varicella and Hepatitis B is advised

    Understand Your Treatment Options:

  • Hemodialysis: Blood is filtered through a machine through special filter. Done as regular sessions (usually 3 /week) at a dialysis center or at home through AV Fistula or Catheter.
  • Kidney Transplant: Transplant of a kidney from living or cadaveric source is done requiring to take immunosuppression after it and one of the most effective form of therapy
  • Treatment Choice: Evaluate pros and cons with your healthcare team

In a nutshell coping with renal disease is made easy with better understanding about the disease, better preparation for renal replacement therapy and a positive attitude for life

Dr. Anil Prasad Bhatt
Department of Nephrology & Kidney Transplant
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