A mental health condition known as manic depression (formerly known as bipolar disorder) causes abrupt mood changes, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania), and lows.
Depression can make you feel downhearted or hopeless and cause you to lose interest in or enjoy most activities. Manic or hypomanic episodes could occur, which could leave you feeling euphoric, energised, or excessively irritated. The clarity of one's thoughts, level of energy, activities, judgment, and behavior may all be impacted by these mood fluctuations.
Each year, mood swing events may be sporadic or frequent. While most people will experience some emotional symptoms in between bouts, this is not always the case.
Even though bipolar disorder is a permanent diagnosis, you can manage your mood swings and other symptoms by following a treatment plan. The majority of the time, bipolar disorder is treated with medication and psychotherapy.
There are numerous varieties of bipolar disorder and disorders that are associated to it. Mania or hypomania, depression, and others may be included. Unpredictable changes in mood and behavior may result from symptoms, which can be quite upsetting and make life challenging.
Symptoms in children and teens
It may be difficult to identify bipolar disorder symptoms in children and teenagers. Determining whether these mood fluctuations are usual, the result of stress or trauma, or a sign of a mental health condition other than bipolar disorder can be difficult.
Children and teenagers may experience major depressive, manic, or hypomanic episodes differently, albeit the pattern may not be the same as in adults with bipolar illness. Additionally, emotions might abruptly alter when having an episode. Some children may go through a time without mood swings in between attacks.
One of the most blatant signs of bipolar disorder in children and teenagers may be severe mood swings that are different from their regular mood swings.
When to see a doctor
Despite the extreme mood swings, persons with bipolar disorder frequently fail to recognize how much their emotional instability disturbs both their own lives and the lives of those they care about, which prevents them from receiving the necessary therapy.
And if you have bipolar disorder like some people do, you could relish the euphoric moods and spurts of increased productivity. The only problem is that this pleasure is invariably followed by a depressing emotional crash.
Consult a medical or mental health practitioner if you experience any signs of mania or depression. The symptoms of bipolar disorder do not go away on their own. You can manage your symptoms by seeking treatment from a mental health specialist who has experience with bipolar illness..